Sunset Shadows – Chapter 4 Excerpts

The first few chapters of Sunset Shadows will remind readers very much of Wings At Dawn, especially the helplessness of the children at the hands of violent and abusive adults. This particular chapter was difficult to research, conduct the interview and then reconstruct into fiction. Much as I would like to take credit for a... Continue Reading →

Squeamish about self-promotion as an author

When you get into publishing, regardless of whether my choice or circumstance, there are a lot of things nobody really prepares you for especially if you take the independent publishing, self-publishing or like me, the hybrid publishing road. Traditional publishing is a tough nut to crack and I have all but thrown in the towel... Continue Reading →

Fragments of a Night (Part II)

Welcome back human tom cats and queens! Glad you could join me again for my CatDiva Tales! Click HERE for your recap in case you've forgotten who's who... remember, we are in Berlin during the early 1930s. The Storyteller ©FrogDiva Photography Where did I leave off? Oh yes, the appearance of Slinky Jane, the sleuth... Continue Reading →

Time and Vision

It was almost 03:00 when I shot this, after having spent the night writing, plotting, outlining, and thinking. Someting struck me about tthe simplicity of the look and the statement of the elements - time and vision.  Time & Vision ©FrogDiva Photography When it comes to any form of writing, time is essential. A lot... Continue Reading →

Crimes of (floral) passion

Usually, if I am to photograph flowers it is to accent a look, but never solo. Cold winter days when the weather is just too dreadful to go out are perfect for fiddling around with unsatisfactory projects that I hid under many digital layers in my archives. Not only did I intensely dislike what I... Continue Reading →

Suspense Thriller meets Photography

Lockdown 2020 provided me the opportunity to explore portraiture photography in my makeshift home studio. It was a ten wonderful months of experimentation and learning, trying out new approaches and playing around initially with natural light and then moving up to studio lights. The former I love, the latter not so much. I'll take the... Continue Reading →


When I first got involved with social media, I had in mind to maintain two distinct and separate identities: photographer and writer. Somewhere along the way, I realised that this was utter bullshit, because I am not just one or the other, but both. One fulfils the other, and both are integral parts of who... Continue Reading →

Celebrating Shadows

One of the most difficult things about being a writer is having to deal with all the publicity that comes with having to market your book, your image as an author, and exposing yourself to critics, hecklers and non-believers. Being a literary activist adds yet another dimension to this complex and complicated journey, because you... Continue Reading →

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